

Medical Therapy




  • A complete dilated fundus examination is a key diagnostic tool used in ophthalmology to evaluate the health of the retina and optic nerve.

  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a fast and non-invasive advanced diagnostic imaging technology using light waves to create high-resolution detailed cross-sectional images of the retina.

  • Fundus photography is a non-invasive diagnostic technique used to capture detailed images of the retina and optic nerve.

  • Fluorescein angiography is a powerful diagnostic tool to evaluate the retinal blood vessels in the eye, playing an important role in the management of various vitreoretinal disorders.

  • B-scan ultrasonography is a safe and non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique using high-frequency sound waves to view the internal structures of the eye.

Medical Therapy

  • Eyedrops are a common form of topical medication that is used to treat various ophthalmic conditions.

  • Oral medicines can play an important role in the treatment of certain ophthalmic disorders.

  • Periocular medicines may have a useful role as therapy for various ophthalmic conditions.

  • Intraocular medicines may play a crucial role as treatment for particular ophthalmic disorders.



  • Laser retinopexy is a safe and effective procedure used to predominantly treat retinal breaks or other lesions to prevent the retina from detaching.

  • Panretinal photocoagulation is a safe and effective laser therapy used to treat a variety of eye conditions in which abnormal blood vessels grow in the retina.

  • Focal macular laser is a laser procedure used to treat macular edema, which is a swelling of the central part of the retina called the macula.


  • Anti-VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) injections are given through the pars plana of the eye into the vitreous body to treat a variety of retinal diseases.

  • Intraocular steroid injections are given through the pars plana of the eye into the vitreous body to treat various retinal disorders.

  • Sub-Tenon’s injections of medicines are given under the Tenon’s capsule in the treatment of certain retinal diseases.

  • Antibiotic injections play an indispensable role in the treatment of severe intraocular infections.

  • Using gas to tamponade a retinal break(s) in a retinal detachment to allow closure of the break using laser or cryotherapy.


  • Pars plana vitrectomy is a surgical operation performed on the eye to treat a wide spectrum of retinal diseases and conditions, which involves initially creating three small incisions in the eye and using fine, specialized instruments to remove the vitreous gel.

  • Scleral buckle surgery is a highly specialized operation using a silicone or plastic band around the eye to reattach a detached retina.

  • Intraocular lens exchange with sutured intraocular lens/anterior chamber intraocular lens is an effective surgery for patients who have dislocated or subluxed intraocular lenses.